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Commercial marine fishery 2016

Published 23.5.2017
  • In 2016, the marine catch by fishing vessels registered in Finland totalled 157 million kg. The producer price of catch was 40 million.
  • The bulk of catch consisted Baltic herring (137 million kg), followed by sprat (17 million kg). The catch of both of these species increased five million kg compared to year 2015.
  • One third of the Baltic herring catch and two third of the sprat catch was landed in Sweden, Estonia and Denmark.
  • The fishing of the Baltic herring and sprat was very concentrated and about ten vessels trawled half of the catch. The majority of the fishermen fished perch, whitefish, pikeperch, salmon and pike with gill nets or trap nets in the coastal areas. Their catches remained in the same low level as in the previous year.
  • In 2016, statistics were produced on some 2,000 fishermen or fishing firms. Two thirds of them submitted catch data.

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